Kari Scott

In 2022, Kari grossed $1.5 million with Buffini Leadership Coaching — her best year yet.

“I had to set the goal three times because I kept hitting it. I was connected to my power, just making things happen.”

Good Life Stories

Managing Broker, John L. Scott Real Estate

Seattle, Washington.

Member since 1999

“Having a coach has made the difference between me being successful in just a year or two. ”

Kari Scott

Prior to becoming a real estate agent, Kari Scott found herself at a crossroads. She knew in her heart she wanted to be an entrepreneur but her dire financial situation was holding her back from reaching her dreams.  

“I had no money and I had my car repossessed. I used to heat my house with my oven because I couldn’t afford the gas for the furnace, and it was tough,” she recalled.  

Kari’s mother, herself a successful real estate agent, encouraged her to consider the field.   Kari agreed to check out a training program, but felt that particular model, which stressed cold calls and knocking on doors, was not for her.

Introduction to Buffini

Her mother suggested they check out a session Brian Buffini was offering nearby. Both women loved Brian’s philosophy which advocated creating relationships and working by referral.

“We signed up right then and I got my license two weeks later,” Kari said.

Kari and her mom worked together for five years before Kari opened up a second office to be closer to home and available for her children and their activities. 

Coaching + Accountability = Success

Shortly after she signed up for Buffini training, Kari decided to also work with a coach.

Not only did her coach hold her accountable, but she also emphasized putting systems in place and creating a business plan. Her coach also helped her realize she needed to add support personnel on her team. And she was integral in connecting Kari to other Buffini clients, who offered not only peer support, but client referrals as well.  

Throughout her time with Buffini, Kari watched her business compound and celebrated her best year ever in 2022.

“I had to set the goal three times because I kept hitting it,” she recalled. “I really feel like I was connected into my power, just making things happen. My team was in a good place, and we were running on all three cylinders.” 

Kari says that without a doubt, working with Buffini has not only changed her business but her life.   

Freedom to Live Life Her Way

“When I look at the cost of coaching, I paid for my whole full coaching with one referral from Buffini, and I did a lot of cross-country referrals,” Kari noted. “I don’t even think about the money. It’s just part of what I do. It’s an investment in myself, it’s an investment in my business, it’s an investment in my team, and it’s an investment in my clients.”

Kari says that without a doubt, working with Buffini has not only changed her business but has allowed her to live life on her terms.  

“The good life to me means freedom…freedom of choice…do what I want to do…go where I want to go,” she said. “I’m not money driven, I’m choice driven. And choice to me is freedom.”

“People struggle,” he said. “Everyone knows how many agents don’t make it. So, if you really want to be on the side of those that make it, you really need a coach. You know you’re starting a business; you’re running a business — you have to treat coaching as just a cost of doing business.” 


Kari Scott Results:

$896,081 GCI in 2023 with Buffini Coaching

In 2022, Kari grossed $1.5 million with Buffini Leadership Coaching — her best year yet.

Kari strives to have an “11-month” business so she can spend her time in December with family, friends and volunteering in her community.

Her confidence in her team allows her to plan and enjoy vacations with her family whenever she wants.

Living the Good Life: More Stories from our Members

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